What is Hayfever?

Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens such as pollens, dust mite, moulds and animal dander. Avoiding allergic triggers and taking appropriate treatments are the best ways to reduce the frequency of hay fever symptoms.

Here are some naturopathic tips and a selection of homeopathic remedies you may like to try.

Naturopathic Tips for Hayfever:

Increase intake of food based Vitamin C which is a natural anti-histamine.

Increase intake of quercitin containing foods (apples, onions, berries) an antioxidant that stabilises histamine.

Introduce nettle, elderberry and plantain into your diet by way of tea and tincture in the month leading up to the hay fever.

Include turmeric, ginger and garlic in your diet which are natural anti-inflammatories.

Dab a little coconut oil around the nostrils: it will trap pollen and reduce itching and sneezing.

Start taking New Era tissue salt combination H in the 6 week run up to when you normally get the symptoms .

Try these Homeopathic Remedies for hayfever if the symptoms match.

Allium Cepa: Symptoms mimic those when cutting up an onion . Sneezing with watery mucus worse which makes inside of nose and upper lip red and sore. Itching eyes, want to rub but this makes it worse. V sensitive to the smell of flowers. Symptoms worse in the height of Summer.

Arsenicum Album: Airways feel congested forcing mouth breathing. Nose drips clear watery mucus which makes top lip sore. Cannot lie down at night due to nasal obstruction, must sit up. Eyes burn from watering hot tears.Eyes swollen and breathing can become asthmatic. Affects right side more than left.

Euphrasia: Swollen, watery eyes – must constantly wipe or rub; thick, infected eye discharge; gummy, sore, gritty eyes, worse for sunlight, night-time, windy weather, indoors; better for cool, open air; thin, watery mucus. In addition to the homeopathic remedy, diluted Euphrasia tincture can be used as a soothing eye bath.

Natrum muriaticum: Raw, egg-white-like discharges; watery eyes, dry, sore throat; white or clear, copious, watery nasal mucus and itching with spasmodic, violent sneezing – especially in the mornings – with loss of smell/taste; violent hammering headaches worse for sun, heat, or emotional upset.

Sabadilla: Indicated in early spring or at harvest time; stubborn sneezing, thin watery mucus, blocked, itchy nose; watery eyes, worse for open air, sunlight and sneezing. Symptoms are worse for cold air and improve with warm food and drink or from keeping warm.

Wyethia: Unbearable itching on roof of mouth, ears, throat and root of nose; irritable, dry cough. Everything feels dry and irritated, but nose may still be runny.

*If you are a chronic hayfever sufferer it is advisable to consult a homeopath for constitutional and miasmatic treatment.


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